
Updating the List of Fully Remote Tech Companies in Portugal

As 2025 begins with many companies forcing a return to the office, the debate around flexible work policies intensifies. With traffic congestion worsening and rents skyrocketing, some still insist that in-person work is the only solution—especially in Lisbon and Porto.

That’s why we’re updating our database of tech companies that maintain fully remote policies in Portugal 🚀

Companies like OutSystems, Remote, and AlphaSights have already recognized that top talent doesn’t need to be tied to a desk. The Portuguese tech market offers plenty of opportunities, allowing professionals to choose work models that fit their lifestyle.

👉 Why settle for a work regime that doesn’t align with your needs?

📢 Do you work at a tech company that still supports full remote work? Help the community find great opportunities—drop a comment and share your experience!

🔗 Complete List: