
Kuehne+Nagel Portugal: Drag Engaging Ladies in Tech and Driving Advance

Let's celebrate companies that do not fair conversation almost alter but take significant activity to form it 🌍

Kuehne+Nagel Portugal is driving the charge! Through a capable collaboration, they're clearing the way for ladies in tech to flourish 👩‍💻

Here's what this activity is all around:

🎯 Cultivating associations:

Organizing occasions and mentorship programs to bring ladies in tech together.

🎯 Advancing balance:

Championing comprehensive and evenhanded work environments for all.

🎯 Rousing end of: the

Empowering ladies to seek after and exceed expectations in STEM careers.

This is often a idealize case of how businesses can saddle their impact to drive enduring alter. A ardent much obliged to the mind blowing Mind community at Kuehne+Nagel for their dedication. Special recognition to Vivian Paiva, Rui Moreira (He/Him), Claudia Baptista, and all the visionaries bringing this activity to life 💙

Together, we're forming the long run of technology—one lady, one opportunity, one development at a time 👏🏻